Managing Human Resources

This program provides a unique opportunity for HR professionals to implement, revise and refocus the existing activities in their Human Resources Department and, through interactive work and implementation of their action plans, to implement the newly learned principles of organizational development which support changes in the environment, contribute to strategic recruitment and keeping the best staff.

You're only as good as the people you hire.
Ray Kroc, founder of McDonald’s Restaurants

Program duration: 2 days

Key advantages:

  • Understanding key role and importance of the Human Resources Department in a modern company
  • Developing ideas on adequate design of a Human Resources Department
  • Designing an efficient recruitment system and keeping the best staff
  • Setting an appropriate strategy in the area of development of the employees
  • Establishing a framework for successful allocation of the HR priorities and responsibilities in a company
  • HR co-ordination of effective performance appraisal and motivating employees through acquiring an appropriate system of rewards
  • Supporting standards of conduct and promoting organization culture which represents the company values

Main areas:

  • Role and importance of employees in modern management
  • Key roles and functions of a Human Resources department
  • Organizational climate, culture and communication
  • Planning and managing Human Resources
  • Organization plan, job classification and description
  • Building a professional system for recruiting, selecting and attracting the best staff
  • Creating a salary and benefits system
  • Designing an effective system for performance evaluation
  • Strategic approach in training and development of the employees
  • Career planning and successor planning
  • Calculating and implementing stimulations package
  • Researching the level of worker’s satisfaction
  • Organization development
  • Crisis HR management

Examples of exercises and additional development tools:

  • Tools and examples of documents for all the key HR functions
  • HR Action Planning Model for all the functions in the HR department